Peanut-Free Snacks for Kids in School: 7 Ideas for Lunch Snacks!

Statistics reveal that, as of 2008, 2.1% of children in the US suffered from either peanut or nut tree allergies. This figure increased from 0.6 in 1997 – an upwards trend that has yet to be explained by experts. The increased number of cases has now led to even more peanut-free classrooms in schools all over North America.

With only a limited number of snack options to choose from, finding unique and healthy peanut-free treats for your kids (and often their classmates) is becoming quite a chore. Luckily, we’ve put together a list of 7 peanut-free, healthy and fun snack options that will keep your kids happy – and peanut allergy sufferers safe as well.

*Despite our best efforts to give you accurate information, it is important to check the label of any product you give your children or send with them to school. While the products below claim to be peanut-free, there’s always a possibility that they could have come in contact with peanuts, so please read the label carefully before handing the snacks over to your kids.

*Click images for nutritional information and ingredients

1. Del Monte Fruit Cups

2. Sun-Maid Raisins

3. Earthbound Farm Carrots and Dip

4. Teddy Grahams

5. Rice Krispies Treats

6. Sunshine Cheez-Its

7. Trix Fruit Snacks

All of the snacks above were found on’s peanut-free snack list. Click the link to check out more peanut-free snack options.

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