Peanut Butter Substitutes: Healthy Options That Are Allergy Safe
If you or a loved one have an allergy to peanut butter, you’ll know just how hard it is to eat safe foods. Allergy symptoms to peanuts can range from an itchy throat and eyes and go all the way to anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a serious medical condition where your own body has a severe immune system reaction to an allergen, causing throat and face swelling, difficulty breathing, lowered blood pressure, and even death. It can be very difficult to find safe foods that do not contain traces of peanuts. In severely allergic individuals, cross contamination can also cause serious reactions. We collected our top 5 peanut butter substitutes so that you can still feed your little one their peanut butter and jam sandwiches, but without all the risks.
1. I.M. Healthy SoyNut Butter. This nut butter is made with soy nuts for a true peanut taste but without the danger.
2. SunButter. This butter is made with sunflower seeds and is safe for both peanut allergies and tree nut allergies.
3. Barney Butter. This rich and tasty butter is made with almonds.
4. WowButter. This soy nut butter is a delicious option that kids will love.
5. NoNuts Peabutter. This butter is made from brown peas. It has a rich taste and is a great replacement for peanut butter in baked recipes.