10 Fantastic No Fridge Lunches

Making a lunch for a day trip or for work can be a little repetitive, and can also result in eating last night’s supper cold. While that is certainly okay, some of us want to take our lunch game to the next level. Instead of making warm dishes cold, why don’t we make some meals that are perfect when served at room temperature? It makes packing a lunch easy when you know you will have delicious, flavorful and low maintenance lunch waiting for you at noon!

1. Chickpea Curry Nourish Bowl

This nourish bowl looks awfully difficult to put together, however, it’s actually just a bunch of ingredients dumped in a bowl together. Easy and so good.

http://realandvibrant.com/chickpea-curry-nourish-bowl/ Photos and Recipe By: Real and Vibrant

2. Chopped Summer Salad

Make this chopped salad at the beginning of the week without avocado, then add the avo in at lunch time to get the perfect fresh flavor.

http://www.theglowingfridge.com/chopped-summer-salad/ Photos and Recipe By: The Glowing Fridge

3. Goodness Bowl

My goodness, this looks like the perfect lunch!

http://ahouseinthehills.com/2015/01/12/goodness-bowl-1/ Photos and Recipe By: A House In The Hills

4. Nori Rolls

They taste like comfort food, but treat your body like the healthy food that they are!

https://forageddish.squarespace.com/blog/2015/6/2/paleo-nori-rolls Photos and Recipe By: Foraged Dish

5. Kale Glow Bowl

I’m crazy about kale because of it’s resistance to wilting and ability to carry so many nutrients!

http://www.theglowingfridge.com/kale-glow-bowl-with-pumpkin-dressing/ Photos and Recipe By: The Glowing Fridge

6. Buddha Bowl with Quinoa and Avocado

This buddha bowl doubles as a one sheet meal that you can also serve for supper tonight.

http://www.wellplated.com/buddha-bowl-with-quinoa/ Photos and Recipe By: Well Plated

7. Smashed White Bean, Basil and Avocado Sandwich

Not a meat or tuna fan? Check out this amazing alternative that will rock your world!

http://pumpkinandpeanutbutter.com/2016/04/20/smashed-white-bean-basil-avocado-sandwich/ Photos and Recipe By: Pumpkin and Peanut Butter

8. Roasted Sweet Potato Mash Tostadas

They’re like tacos that don’t need to be heated or refrigerated!

http://www.theglowingfridge.com/roasted-sweet-potato-mash-tostadas/ Photos and Recipe By: The Glowing Fridge

9. California Chopped Kale Salad

This salad is so colorful, which means it’s obviously delicious and nutritious!

http://www.theglowingfridge.com/california-girl-chopped-kale-salad/ Photos and Recipe By: The Glowing Fridge

10. Vegan Detox Salad and Cilantro Tahini Dressing

There’s nothing like a little detox salad to help you exercise some self care on your body!

http://apolloandluna.com/2016/03/12/vegan-detox-salad-cilantro-tahini-dressing/ Photos and Recipe By: Apollo and Luna


Easy Recipes For When You’re Not Feeling Well


Easy Recipes For When You’re Not Feeling Well

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