15 Common Foods That Are Accidentally Vegan

Taking on a plant-based or vegan lifestyle can be a major bummer when it comes to giving up those sweet sweet delicious foods you grew up on. Whether for health, animal rights or just to give it a try for a season – there’s quite a few foods you may have unnecessarily given up. Your whole world can change now with this groundbreaking information of accidental vegan favorites. These 15 items may find their way back into the grocery cart, but always remember that not everyone in a vegan lifestyle enjoys certain types of food dyes or honeys, so always read the labels to be sure. We’re just here to point you in the right direction 😉 Also remember that just because they’re vegan doesn’t make them health food, but boy do we wish Oreo’s were considered healthy…

1. Oreos

Like, they’re still sugar laden cookies…but they seemingly don’t contain any animal byproducts! However, some manufacturing facilities may have cross contamination with milk, so read your labels to be sure!

http://www.oreo.com/ Photo by: Oreo

2. Jell-O Instant Pudding

Vanilla, Banana Cream, Pistachio, and Lemon are all completely vegan. Shocking, as a pudding is typically milk based. However to veganize this pudding, just break the rules on the instructions and use a nut, soy or coconut milk as a substitute.

http://www.kraftrecipes.com/products/jell-o-pudding-instant-vanilla–766.aspx Photo by: Kraft Recipes

3. Bisquick Original Pancake Mix

You guessed it. VEGAN. Make sure you read the labels though, because many variations may contain egg or milk, especially those from different countries.

http://www.bettycrocker.com/products/Bisquick/Bisquick-Original Photo by: Betty Crocker

4. Duncan Hines Cake Mixes & Frostings

What the whaaaat?! The cake AND the frosting? Someone hand me a spoon.

https://www.google.ca/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiYoaOjztbSAhXH24MKHWSVCc0QjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.peta.org%2Fliving%2Ffood%2Fvegan-piecaken%2F&psig=AFQjCNHittPeV2djoeWRnvBSwk-2-9atxw&ust=1489602061619092 Photo by: Peta.org

5. Sour Patch Kids

Without the use of gelatin in the making of Sour Patch Kids, makes these little candies perfectly plant-based.

http://sour-patch-kids.wikia.com/wiki/Sour_Patch_Kids Photo by: Sour Patch Kids Wiki

6. Rockets/Smarties

These common Halloween candies known as either “Rockets” or “Smarties” depending on where you live, use all vegetable derived binding agents. So, huzzah!

http://www.rocketscandy.ca/ Photo by: Rockets Candy

7. Reese Puffs

While there is quite a long list of vegan breakfast cereals, the one that might stand out to you as the most shocking, is the chocolate peanut buttery Reese Puffs cereal!

https://www.generalmillscf.com/products/category/cereal/bulk/reeses-puffs Photo by: General Mills

8. Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup

You don’t have to turn your cheek to chocolate sauce anymore. Made with cocoa, but no milk products, this one is gets a green light from veganism.

https://www.hersheys.com/en_us/products/product/syrup-and-toppings/hersheys-syrup-chocolate-24-ounce-bottles.html#nutritionsection Photo by: Hershey’s

9. Keebler Ready Made Crust

Time to make some vegan jello pudding oreo pie! Graham, shortbread and chocolate ready-made pie crusts are all free of milk ingredients.

https://www.keebler.com/en_US/cookies-and-more/ready-crust.html Photo by: Keebler

10. Smucker’s Marshmallow Toppings

So, as you may be aware, most marshmallow products contain gelatin (typically made from cow hooves) so vegans have to pass them up. However, this marshmallow topping is completely gelatin-free!!

http://www.smuckers.com/products/ice-cream-topping/spoonable-ice-cream-toppings/marshmallow Photo by: Smucker’s

11. Pillsbury Crescent Rolls

That buttery taste you know and love, isn’t butter at all….

https://www.pillsbury.com/products/crescents/original Photo by: Pillsbury

12. Original Cracker Jack

Caramel coated popcorn and peanut. I guess their caramel isn’t made with the common butter ingredient that most caramel is made with. Works for us!

http://www.fritolay.com/snacks/product-page/cracker-jack Photo by: Frito Lay

13. Ritz Crackers

Despite it’s buttery taste and flaky texture, these crackers are simply made with vegetable oil. No dairy whatsoever.

http://www.ritzcrackers.com/ Photo by: Ritz Crackers

14. Nature Valley Crunch Bars

Several varieties (including peanut butter, our fave!) is completely free of egg and dairy. On the go vegan granola that you didn’t have to pay an extra $3 for just for the title “vegan” on the label.

https://www.naturevalley.com/product/crunchy-bars-peanut-butter/ Photo by: Nature Valley

15. SaraLee Apple Pie

A pie crust without egg or butter! Dang it SaraLee, we have much to learn from you. In the meantime, thanks for the pie!

http://saraleedesserts.com/products/pies-3/fruit-pies/oven-fresh-apple-pie/ Photo by: SaraLee Desserts
Things To Expect If You Try A Vegan Diet


Things To Expect If You Try A Vegan Diet

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