Jif Peanut Butter Settles the GIF Pronunciation Debate

The GIF pronunciation debated has been going on for a very, very long time and Jif Peanut Butter is here to finally settle this debate once and for all. For starters, GIF is short for Graphics Interchange Format and to put it simply, it’s an animated image. If you’re part of the group that pronounces GIF with a soft G then Jif Peanut Butter wants to make it clear that you’ve been pronouncing it incorrectly all along. Smuckers is partnering with GIPHY, a leading database for gifs, to create limited-edition jars that will help you pronounce GIF correctly!

The limited-edition jars were launched just in time for National Peanut Butter Lovers Day on March 1st, however, it appears they already sold out on Amazon! Let’s all just cross our fingers that they release a second batch! That said, there are more ways to celebrate this amazing revelation! GIPHY has unveiled a series of JIFvsGIF-themed GIFs (now that’s a tongue twister) on their website so you can help spread the word.


“We’re teaming up with GIPHY to put a lid on this decade-long debate and prove there is only one Jif… it’s creamy, delicious peanut butter, not a looping picture you can send to make friends and family laugh,” Rebecca Scheidler, Vice President, Marketing of Jif, said in a statement. “So spread the word like Jif on bread—Jif is peanut butter, GIFs are animations!”

“At GIPHY, we know there’s only one Jif and it’s peanut butter. If you’re looking for all the GIFs, there’s only one GIPHY,” Alex Chung, founder and CEO of GIPHY, added. “If you’re a soft G, please visit Jif.com. If you’re a hard G, thank you, we know you’re right. Whether you like your Gs hard or soft, let’s all share some fun and let peanut butter unite us in saying GIF and eating Jif.”

https://www.jif.com/ Source: Jif Peanut Butter


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