How To Pick The Perfect Watermelon

Nothing quite beats biting into a big juicy slice of watermelon — especially on a hot summer day! But choosing the perfect watermelon at the grocery store is no easy feat. Unless you know these secret tips, of course! It’s also worth noting, unlike other fruits, watermelon does not continue to ripen after they are harvested. This gives you even more reason to make sure you’ve picked the perfect watermelon before checking out! Follow along as we share the best tips that will help you pick the perfect watermelon!

1. Check The Size Of The Watermelon

First, you’ll want to look for a watermelon that has a uniform size. Both round or oval is okay you just want to be on the lookout for irregular bumps. In addition to the size, you’ll want to pay attention to the weight. If it feels heavy for its size that’s a good sign! This usually means it has more water content and therefore, will have a sweeter flavor.

2. Check The Color of The Watermelon

First, make sure it’s free from bruises and cuts.  Next, you’ll want to pay attention to the color of the watermelon. Be on the lookout for a light orange to dark yellow field spot. This indicates that the watermelon was left on the vine longer and will be full of delicious flavor! If the field spot is light green or white this usually means it’s not quite ripe!

Next, you’ll want to pay attention to the watermelon’s pattern. A larger “webbing” pattern usually means the watermelon is full of sugar and is perfectly sweet! You’ll also want to be on the lookout for melons that are both dark and dull which indicates they are ripe. If the watermelon is shiny, it is not ripe.

Source: Shutterstock

3. Listen To The Watermelon

Okay, this tip may sound a bit odd but stay with us. Once you think you’ve found your perfect watermelon give it a tap (preferrable on the light-orange field spot). If it sounds like there is a wet towel inside (trust us, you’ll hear it once you try it), or others have described it as a dull sound, then that usually indicates the watermelon is either under or over-ripe. If it sounds hollow put it in your shopping cart and prepare yourself for the perfect watermelon!

Now that you’ve picked the perfect watermelon you can enjoy it by the slice or you can try this mouth-watering watermelon salsa recipe! There are also plenty of other creative ways to eat watermelon!

Source: Shutterstock


How To Pick A Perfectly Ripe Cantaloupe

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